Read School Rarely New and Never Old!

  • 11 years ago
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As I take the time to reflect at the end of a relatively short, but very busy term, I spent a lot of my time thinking of Read School Alice in Wonderlandthe recent Prep School production: Alice-The Musical, based on the Alice in Wonderland novel by Lewis Carroll.

Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll, wrote Alice in Wonderland in 1865. It is a wonderful story in the literary nonsense genre.

I am still amazed by the story in every telling, but I remain genuinely fascinated with the enthusiasm and energy that pupils take to the characters. I see this time and time again with the drama productions at the Read School, Drax.

We pride ourselves in giving up valuable time to ensure our students have the opportunities to express themselves in as many different media as possible. We have school productions regularly and a large number of our students possess great aptitude for “treading the boards”.

As a small school it means that many of us pupils and staff members must get involved and it does become a whole school/family affair.

For the most part our productions are representations of great works that are well known, I know the works well and have seen them reproduced many times. The works never become old, because our pupils put much of themselves into them bringing new life to well-known characters.

By fostering this love of the theatre we allow pupils to develop skills they never knew they had and they learn to Read Schoolconfidently speak in public, among other things. This is what we do at the Read School, Drax.

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