Wellington School Wellbeing Programme Serves up Healthy Lifestyle

  • 8 years ago
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Senior Judo champsDespite a recent article in the Sunday Times this weekend with the somewhat misleading title ‘Zumba puts team games on the bench at top school.’ it is of course incorrect that Wellington School has decided to ‘abandon competitive sport in favour of Zumba, mindfulness and yoga’.

What is true, however, is that the School has a fresh and innovative approach to PE lessons, which are called Wellbeing lessons and delivered by a talented team of professionals led by Steffan Jones, an ex-professional Cricket and Rugby player. Pupils are taught a healthy lifestyle which will serve them at school and long into the future.

Headmaster Henry Price comments; “Wellington School believes passionately in the wellbeing Junior Judo Champsof our pupils and will keep striving to provide an education and range of opportunities that benefit them while they are at Wellington and long into the future. Our evolved PE programme is now called Wellbeing and includes fitness testing, fundamental movement and hand eye coordination. There is plenty of physical activity, but also classroom sessions based around nutrition, mindfulness and leadership, which links into our PSHEE programme. Our aim is not only to increase fitness and confidence at school, but also to teach pupils how to look after themselves long after they leave school.”

A full programme of competitive sports fixtures is and will remain a part of the Wellington School offering.

Two spectacular sporting achievements by pupils underlines the strength of what we offer. On the elite performance side, Ben Howe, Captain of the 1st XV Rugby Team has been selected to represent Belgium in the U18 rugby team. Ben, who qualifies as his mother is Belgian, will play against other international sides including Japan, Canada and USA in a tournament in France at Easter.

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