Bournemouth Collegiate hosts first regional open junior Triathlon club

  • 12 years ago
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Bournemouth Collegiate School opened its doors on Saturday 20th October for the very first Open Junior Triathlon Club in the region. The club is open to all school children in the region and Bournemouth Collegiate School had appealed for children to register their interest.

The taster day session was run by BCS Director of Performance, Bernie Shrosbree and experienced triathlon event organiser and coach, Michelle Noble. Both Bernie and Michelle are ex international tri athletes and Bernie was previously a GB Triathlon Team Manager.

Bernie Shrosbree said, “At last we have an open triathlon club at Bournemouth Collegiate School! The enthusiasm and passion shown by the children who came along was incredible. The South West region has been crying out for a club like this. Our aim is to provide top level coaching, advice and expertise in order that our young BCS club tri athletes can attend competitions with the skills and knowledge needed for this three sport discipline.With the young talent that was here today and the top level coaching that is being provided our vision is to see the next Olympic podium athlete coming from this club. “

Coach, Michelle Noble added, “It has been great to partner with Bernie Shrosbree at BCS today and we have been over whelmed by the level of interest shown and how far some people have travelled. Our next event is already planned for November 24th and we would urge anyone interested in attending to book in early as places are limited. “

9 year old George Shaw who attended said, “It’s been brilliant. I’ve learnt so much…..cycling and swimming techniques and how to look after my bike too. I loved the race we had at the end of the day!”

Anyone wishing to attend the next Open Junior Triathlon Club event at BCS is asked to email to register their interest.

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