All Hallows Year 8s display phenomenal resilience

  • 4 years ago
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Reflecting on the weeks since the start lockdown, at a Covid-modified prize giving celebration, Year 8 pupils at All Hallows were given a resounding thumbs for the way they have responded to recent challenges.

Ms Paice, Head of Years 7 and 8 at All Hallows, commented: “We want our pupils to be resilient and after witnessing the way the Year 8s have accepted the limitations imposed on them and adapted in the weeks of lockdown, they have certainly been resilient.”

Year 8 in independent prep schools has arguably been one of the hardest hit groups of pupils. Excluded from the Government’s initial plans to bring back pupils other than those in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6, the leaving year group of Year 8 looked to be ending their time at All Hallows on a low note. However, as the All Hallows pupils can tell you, ‘resilience’ is Dr Richards’ favourite word in his Friday morning Head’s assemblies and staff are regularly discussing the different ways they can help pupils to develop this valuable life skill – the focus has certainly paid off.

The summer term for Year 8 is traditionally one for working hard for Common Entrance exams and then celebrating in style whilst undertaking a whole range of activities and assignments aimed at easing the transition to their new schools. This year has been somewhat different but the pupils responded magnificently, experiencing three very different forms of curriculum in their last few weeks. Not only were online engagement levels consistently near 100%, a fact which alone speaks volumes about the pupils, they remained together as a group, actively reaching out to friends who were struggling in their isolation.

Split screen learning objectives are a key element of an All Hallows education – put simply, pupils are not just gaining knowledge, they are learning about how they learn. A positive of lockdown has been that these young people have learnt a lot about self-motivation, independence and continuing to strive to challenge themselves when their normal framework has been removed.

Ms Paice added: “Coming back to school for the last two weeks of term has been fantastic – a huge success because of the pupils we have. Not only have they set aside their disappointments, they have been respectful of the new rules to keep themselves safe and have relished being back in a community in which they feel they belong. Additionally, they have been lapping up the social interaction that they have come to realise is just not the same online.

“We wanted our Year 8s to be resilient and we can safely say – job done! Good luck to them as they move onto their new schools and we look forward to hearing their stories in years to come.”

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