Ashby School – James Nets Victory on Tennis Court

  • 11 years ago
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Tennis ace James Ison helped to power Leicestershire under 17s to victory against some of the best young players in Ashby School Tennisthe country.

James, 15, who is in Year 10, was one of seven boys to represent Leicestershire in the tournament at Sunderland, in which he won two of his three singles matches and all three of his doubles.

James in action on court and (centre) with Mark Cox, chairman of Leicestershire Tennis and former UK number one, being presented with the boys' under 14s trophy.

James’s performance helped the team to secure victory – and promotion to a higher level.

James, who is a member of Ashby Castle Tennis Club, trains three times at Loughborough University and would like to be a high performance coach.

He has played twice at Wimbledon. James started playing tennis at the age of five.

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