Better results than ever for IB pupils at King Edward’s School Witley

  • 15 years ago
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Holly and Eleanor reading their resultsHeadmaster, Kerr Fulton-Peebles, commented ‘These results are a resounding endorsement of our decision to choose the IB Diploma as the sole curriculum for our young men and women from 2010. Not only does it give the opportunity to stretch the most able, it is accessible to all of our pupils. The preparation which it provides for life after school, at university or in the workplace, is indisputable. The educational philosophy of the IB programme to educate the whole person mirrors closely our own ethos here at King Edward’s. I am indebted to the staff who have worked so hard to help our pupils achieve these excellent results.’

Not only has the average points score increased to 34.2 points, compared to an international average of around 30 points, but also over a quarter of the pupils achieved more than 40 Mauritz and Father pleased with his resultspoints out of 45. Head Girl, Holly Beckwith from Chiddingfold is to be congratulated on the highest score of 42 points. Other high achievers include Moritz Dransfeld and Cora Scheerer from Germany, Christopher Barnard, from Aldershot and Eleanor Kirton from Godalming, who have been at King Edward’s for 5 and 7 years respectively, David Ian from Portugal and Maarja Junti from Estonia.

46% of the pupils achieved grades 6 and 7, the equivalent of A grade at A Level. 79% achieved the equivalent of A and B grades, and 94% grades A to C.

It is of course not only about results. Little wonder that the IB Diploma is increasing rapidly in popularity in British schools, and on an international basis. Free from political interference, it is a course designed by educationalists to ensure that the rigorous academic programmes are matched with the means to encourage young people to become inquiring, caring, open-minded, reflective, balanced, principled life long learners.

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