Bruton Girls organises charitable events

  • 4 years ago
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The school community at Bruton School for Girls organised a series of charitable events throughout November, raising over £500 for good causes.

The children in the Nursery and Prep kicked-off with a marvellous day of fun for Children in Need, including a highly competitive teacher’s duck race, a teddy bear hunt, a cake sale and some dressing-up. They raised a splendid total of £110.

Almost £150 was raised through the sale of Poppies, badges and other branded items for the annual Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal, contributing to the £5,000+ raised in the Bruton area.

Girls in the senior school wore their own clothes instead of uniform, with mufti-days for charities specifically chosen by the students – the environmental charity, Just One Tree and mental health charity, Young Minds, raising in excess of £250.

Impressively, Charlotte B, in Lower Sixth, who has packed her 1000th box of goodies for children experiencing poverty in Bulgaria and Serbia. Charlotte began organising shoe boxes of gifts for the charity Foundation for Social Change and Inclusion back in 2013 and her amazing achievement has made the national press.

To round off the month, Head of the student’s charity committee, Eloise N, masterminded a collection of food and toiletry items for a local food bank and turned it into a competition between the four school Halls. Each Hall was keen to out-do the other with the amount donated leading to an amazing 1,143 items which will now go to families who need some extra help over the Christmas period.

Headmistress, Nicky Botterill, commented: “The girls here have a wonderful generosity of spirit, and are keen to help those less fortunate than themselves and support organisations which represent issues that are particularly important to young people.”

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