• 11 years ago
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The Sacrament of Confirmation was held in the Abbey Church recently celebrated by The Right Reverend Declan Downside_School_Abbey_ChurchLang, Bishop of Clifton, who confirmed forty-eight candidates.

The bright early evening sunshine filtered through the stain glass windows as the Mass got under way. After the Homily, when the Bishop told them to be enthusiastic about their faith, each candidate's name was called.

When all of them were standing they made a renewal of baptismal vows together before the Laying on of Hands. Bishop Declan then walked down the nave laying his hands on the head of each one with a silent prayer. During this part of the service the Downside School choir sang the Veri Sancte Spiritus.

There then followed the Anointing with Chrism and the Sign of Peace on each candidate's forehead.

It was both a moving and uplifting service with the choral music perfectly chosen and sung in the perfect surroundings Downside School Churchof the Abbey Church at Downside.

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