Dunannie School – Extreme weather coincides with curriculum

  • 11 years ago
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Children at Dunannie, Bedales Pre-prep, have begun the term exploring a variety of topics across the bedales snowcurriculum, including extreme weather and bird-watching studied by Year 3. In other year groups projects range from Superheroes in the Nursery to Flight in Year 2.

These projects combined with many examples of the children learning through doing. In science, Year 3 have been predicting and timing how long it takes for ice, chocolate and butter to change from a solid state to a liquid.

In sport, Year 3 girls have continued their lessons with Group 1 pupils (Year 4) at Bedales Prep, Dunhurst and Year 3 boys are about to embark on tag rugby. Other ‘invasion’ sports the children will be tackling this term include: netball, basketball, pop lacrosse and football in addition to swimming and gymnastics.
bedales weather
The children enjoyed welcoming students from Bedales to talk about their recent visit to Swaziland last term. The students regaled the children with tales of their journey, held a quiz about the animals they saw and opened the children’s eyes to the very different life of the schoolchildren they met.

At a separate event, Bedales students performed a dance display entitled ‘The Carnival of the Animals’ for Dunannie. The routine was choreographed initially for their performing arts exchange to Dubai and the children from Reception through to Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed it.

Commenting on the start of term, Jo Webbern, Head of Dunannie said, “It is rather apt that the snow began to fall as Year 3 began their study of extreme weather, they didn’t have to go very far from the classroom for their research. Across the curriculum it is important to give children projects to study that inspire their learning.”

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