Felsted hosts Women in Science event

  • 4 years ago
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Felsted School hosted a Women in Science Day last week as part of a nationwide project to encourage girls to aspire to science-related studies and careers.

Girls in Years 5 and 6 from five local primary schools, including Felsted Prep, were treated to a day of fun-filled activities, formulated to inspire their interests in science.

The day was split into a carousel of three discipline-based activities in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. In the Chemistry session the pupils made a red cabbage indicator to develop their understanding of acids and alkalis and to identify which mystery liquid was safe to drink. In the Biology class they investigated the effects of alcohol and caffeine on Daphnia heart rates and looked at the effect of light on brine shrimp. The overwhelming favourite of the day however was the ‘Physics of Chocolate’ session where they investigated viscosity and had to work out how much force was needed to break different chocolate bars.

Science is a strong discipline at Felsted, with the Prep School holding a Gold Quality Mark for Science and the Senior School holding a prestigious STEM Silver Science Mark for it’s quality of Science provision. Pupils regularly win awards for their project work and four Prep girls will soon be attending the National Big Bang Science and Engineering Fair with their ‘Sanitary Shark’ water pollution project having won the regional sustainability prize.

Felsted School are one of our Leaders in… Science – click here to see why.

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