Harrogate Ladies College inspected by ISI

  • 11 years ago
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Harrogate Ladies’ College was inspected by the ISI in May 2011, looking at teaching and
learning, the broader life the School offers, the nature of its pastoral care and the way in
which it is led and governed. The report was glowing, with an opening sentence of “The
pupils’ overall achievement is excellent.” The report continues “Pupils of all abilities and ages
achieve consistently well in response to good, often excellent teaching which shows high
expectations of pupils.” Our success in Music, Sport and Drama was well noted very
favourably, with pupils demonstrating “high levels of achievement”. The full Inspection
Report is available on our website at www.hlc.org.uk.


We were delighted to welcome a representative from The Good Schools Guide to HLC. The Guide gives a factual and impartial description of a school’s facilities, ethos, teaching and learning, pastoral care and, in our case, the boarding provision. Their report is available both in book form and on their website at www.goodschoolsguide.co.uk but here is a summary
of their findings:

“An ‘in-town’ girls’ boarding/day school that shouts ‘girl-centred’ education, is
proud of it and walks the talk. A new whole school approach aims to provide a
‘traditionally modern’ experience for its pupils.”

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