King Edward’s Witley pupils receive DofE Gold certificates

  • 6 years ago
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Seven former pupils and one current student from King Edward’s Witley travelled to Buckingham Palace recently to receive their Duke of Edinburgh’s (DofE) Gold Award.

Megan Lewis, Matilda Moss, Charlie Howard, Will Kriehn, Alex Dean, Jonathan Bell and Ed Kernick attended the event, along with current sixth former Theo Negus. They discussed their experiences with the Earl of Wessex, before receiving their certificates from TV presenter Gaby Roslin.

Mark Harrison, the school’s director of co-curriculum & leadership at King Edward’s, commented: “King Edward’s runs a very active Duke of Edinburgh’s Award programme and is a DofE Licensing Authority in its own right. All Year 9 pupils participate in the Bronze Award and approximately half of these pupils progress to take the Silver Award. A good number then continue to the highest accolade – the Gold Award.

“We are once again delighted to have such a strong cohort of pupils representing the school at the Gold Award presentations. Attaining this high-level award represents a tremendous achievement proving that these students have the skills, determination and resilience to succeed.”

Gaby Roslin added: “It’s very tough out there at the moment for anyone, especially young people, and DofE Award holders have proved that they’ve got what it takes; they are our future and they can be extremely proud of what they have achieved.”

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