Prior’s Field new development combines Sciences and Arts

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Prior's Field Science Music Facility Pupil
Prior’s Field girls go on to follow university courses as varied as medicine, philosophy, law and music

Planning has been granted for a combined Music, Science and Technology centre at Prior’s Field, to be created as an extension on the site of the existing Music centre.

At a time when schools nationally are facing pressure to cut creative and performing arts, Prior’s Field is reinforcing the importance of these subjects in the broad, balanced education it provides. 40% of its pupils take individual instrumental lessons, enabling them to play in school concerts and bands: this planning consent will provide for 8 new practice rooms, theory classrooms, a recording studio and an 80 seat, fully acoustic recital hall.

Growth in the demand to study science subjects at both GCSE and A Level at Prior’s Field bucks the national trend, which reflects a decline among girls taking Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. This new teaching centre will enhance existing facilities in these areas.

Prior's Field Science Music Facility
Classical violinist Nicola Benedetti holding a recent masterclass for two fortunate Prior’s Field pupils

Head Julie Roseblade commented, “We are absolutely thrilled. This new building will make a significant difference and will support our ambition to provide the best possible teaching and learning environment for our girls and staff.”

Sixth Formers at the school have been winners at the University of Surrey’s Best Sixth Form Chemist of the Year event for seven consecutive years and go on to a wide range of top universities, including Oxbridge, to study courses as varied as medicine, philosophy, law and music.

Call Prior’s Field’s admissions team on 01483 810551 to arrange an individual visit or prospectus.

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