• 11 years ago
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If you’re avid fans of Scarborough College you will know that we only teach the International Baccalaureate Scarborough College origami birds IBDiploma to all our sixth formers.

As we’re in the middle of the year we thought we would share some work with you to let you know how the students are getting on.

Origami Birds Installation – by Luke Proudfoot

I’ve been able to create origami birds for a number of years now, but the inspiration for this piece simply came from observing a variety of different bird-related symbols, representing ‘peace’. I gave some consideration to the notion of the freedom of birds in flight and used simplistic colours to represent nations or possibly ethnic groups.

I felt that whilst we take freedom for granted in this part of Europe, it is not necessarily a given in the rest of the world.

This is a piece which aims to inspire some hope and optimism for how the world could evolve more harmoniously.

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