St Mary’s Calne Bushcraft Adventure

  • 11 years ago
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On a cold, slightly rainy day the remaining UIV Form (others had gone to St Malo, France) ventured into the deep St Marys Calnedepths of the Oxfordshire countryside to try their hands at a little bushcraft.

We were all adorned with wellies and waterproofs, thoroughly prepared for outdoor living for the day.

The coach dropped us off and we had a half a mile hike to where the camp fire was roaring and the tents were awaiting us.

The rain started and it poured down, but being St Mary's girls we marched on!

The first activity was to split up into two tribes and the girls had to produce a song, dance and a history of the group.

Very interesting chants and pyramids were produced! The tribes were now known as the Wolves and the GDs.

We then moved on to fire making. This seemed to really interest the girls, Clara was fully focused on this activity, UIV Form girls seemed to have an inner pyromania in them.

It was amazing what you could do with some steel wool, batteries, cotton wool and sugar! Flames all around. The girls were then sent off to make their own fires. Evie and Yasmin were amazing fire-makers. Alexis was not far behind with all her sticks.
St Marys Calne
The girls then moved back to the tent to learn how to fillet a salmon. Gina was the first to be hands on and she knew exactly what she was doing, we can't say the same for Saskia and Annie.

Then the fish eye balls appeared! 'I'm a celebrity get me out of here', happened here. Four girls volunteered to eat an eye ball each! Eliza, Beth, Alexis and Naomi.

A few funny faces, screams and convulsions later, Eliza and Naomi ate theirs but Beth and Alexis struggled and they gave up.

Once the salmon was put to cook on the open fire, we moved on to play predator in the forest.

The girls had to get their camouflage which of course included lots of mud on the face and ferns in the hair!

The girls were very good at being stealthy and camouflaged in the forest.

Yasmin was very good and won the first game. Miss Abendanon got wet through hiding in the ferns thinking she was Bear Grylls!

After a couple more games it was feeding time – salmon, cous cous, beans, aubergines(for the vegis) and naan bread. After eating seconds and thirds we moved on to first aid that applied to being out in the forest.

With an hour to go came the last game that involved working with a partner and being a cat on a hot tinned roof, goldfish in a bowl and an elderly couple – very mad. We finished by sitting around the camp fire telling riddles and jokes. A fantastic day was had by all. 

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