Westbourne House celebrates diversity with International Week

  • 5 years ago
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Westbourne House School, Chichester, has been championing the need to be inclusive and work harder to understand different people and cultures across the world.

Pupils at the school have been celebrating diversity with an International Week, during which they experienced enriching opportunities to learn about different cultures. Activities took place throughout the school, from Reception to Year 8, and included sampling food from other countries, trying exciting new sports, and learning about music from other continents, all created to help pupils understand others.

Samantha Pollock, Head of Pastoral Care, said: “Our pastoral theme for this term is Be Respectful and International Week is designed to demonstrate the range of customs and traditions from across the world. Most importantly, the overarching aim is to encourage all pupils to accept others for who they are, be interested in where they come from and have fun discovering and celebrating the cultural differences.”

International Year 3 pupil Charles, who is from China, said, “The chopstick challenge was my favourite activity because it reminded me of China. I enjoyed showing my friends how to use chopsticks and one of them was actually quite good at it. Everyone was amazed that I could eat my apple crumble with my chopsticks!”

Talullah and Venetia, Year 8, added: “We loved Miss Tilling’s assembly on customs in Rwanda. It was so fascinating to hear that they use their eyebrows to communicate and also that if someone knocks on your door it is an honour and you welcome them with open arms.”

At the younger end of the school, a suitcase arrived in each classroom full of toys, photos of landscapes and food, musical instruments and clothes from different countries, which helped the children to discover and discuss each country. The children also learnt dances from each country – including Spain and Russia – and how to say hello.

Other examples of activities across the whole school included a bongo drum workshop, themed assemblies, origami lessons, a language and accent masterclass, games from various countries including jump rope, which is very popular in Asia, and baseball from USA.

Jerry, Year 6 pupil from China, said: “My favourite day this week was Thursday when everyone dressed up in either the traditional clothes of a country or as a flag: I loved the flags which were worn as capes and the Italian food at lunchtime was delicious.”

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