• 11 years ago
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Year 4 have also used all the pre-expedition information that Leo sent to the School (promotional literature, expedition Windermere Schoolkit lists, proposed routes up Ulvetanna and journey details to Antarctica) in their lessons. Their journey with Leo started at The Chill Factore in November.

Using all the information they have:
Created a display of Ulvetanna to track the team’s progress up the Mountain.

This display shows the scale of Ulvetanna in comparison to the size of Leo himself, who is a mere speck on the mountain.

Melted snow to make hot chocolate. They used this as a science experiment and in maths to plot graphs comparing the temperature rise over time.

Used the experiment to help them with explainable writing in English. Used snowflakes to show symmetry and used Leo’s equipment list to help understand weights.

They weighed their own camping and walking equipment in comparison Created a video with Ulvetanna green screened in the background to offer advice to the team.

During Design and Technology, they made “Leo fly” studying the theory of flight and modelling their ideas. Looked at past expeditions to the Antarctica, focusing on Scott’s expeditions, and created a display of all their work with a Union Flag hanging above.

Collected pebbles and have painted them to make a penguin colony, which they shared with Pre-School. During Outdoor Education they went on their own mini-expedition to the top of Orrest Head and the pupils who had been to The Chill Factore made their presentations on the summit to the rest of the class.

Whilst on the summit they used a globe to understand where Antarctica was in relation to where they were standing in.

During Science they tested various materials to see what properties they have to keep you warm, to inspire them to design their own outdoor clothing.

They looked at the properties of the Hydrophobic Down from Berghaus They used the cold weather conditions to discuss hypothermia, sitting inside warm emergency group shelters on the top of Brant Fell. This helped them understand changes in body temperature and what key factors are needed to survive.

The class and all the teachers have had so much fun following this expedition that they are going to continue with their exploration after the half term holiday.

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